Certified Procurement Management Professional
- Procurement Governance
- Key Incoterms and Procurement Skils
- Comparison of SPPRA Rules with Different Rules
- The Procurement Cycle-An Overview and Importance
- Procurement Planning-The First Step in the Cycle
- Preparation of Bidding Documents and NIT
- Bid Submission and Opening
- Other Clauses in SPPRA Rules
- Bid Evaluation
- Contact Award
- Post award
- Contract Management
- Redressal of Grievances
- Blacklisting
- Auction as a Procurement Method
To undertake a comprehensive treatment of a recent version of SPPRA rules and regulation. To develop adequate skills and exposure to be able to execute the procurement management process for obtaining desirable performance results for works, services and goods. To be able to identify and develop key procurement skills that can be applied in the workplace on daily basis. To be able to understand and apply the procurement cycle from need assesment to contact management. To develop a comprehensive understanding of the role of procuement management professional throughout the procurement life cycle with focus on performance while adhering to rules. To understand key challenges in the procurement life cycle and how to overcome these while adhering to rules. To expose the participants to the best procurement practices around the globe and how to adapt these within our work environments.